Concorde Sacco > 2018 News > Emergency Loan Revamp

We are pleased to inform you that we have revamped the “Emergency Loan” product by introducing new enhanced feauters with immediate effects as below:-

  1. Maximum Amount of Kes. 500,000.00
  2. Repayment period, 12 months (1 year).
  3. Interest rate is 1% per month on reducing basis
  4. Loan is disbursed within 24 hours as long as application is received in the office by 1200 hours (12:00 pm).

We welcome you to patronize our products as we grow our Sacco together.

Introducing NAFUU LOAN

What is Nafuu Loan?

It's a loan to help members who have more than one existing loan to reduce the burden of total installments payable by consolidating  them into one loan.

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